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make him an offer he can't refuse

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posted Thursday, 20 March 2008

Last night feed viewers were robbed not only of the HOH perp walk, but even of the whole unveiling.  It seems inadvertent, since most of it aired on Showtime, but screencaps.  This creepy cap of Adam is actually from the night before he won HOH.  It had a very creepy godfather-ish feel for me right away.  Little did I know it was prophetic.  Before getting the room, Adam told several of them that he was going to hold interviews, giving each hamster 15 minutes or so to plead their case.  Once he had the room, he set up a little desk, and was all ready to hold court.  BB quickly told him to put the desk back (or at least we had a few seconds of flames, and afterwards he was moving the desk back to it's original location).

creepy make me an offer

He didn't really hold "interviews" but he did get all the arguments.  There was pressure from the Fearsome Foursome for him to nom. Sheila.  He "joked" all day that he was considering it.  Enough to get Sheila upset.  Who knows how much of that was for real.  And Joshuah seems to have made yet another "secret alliance."  Adam commented that he's thought Josh was a "straight-shooter since day 1."  Okay, a.) are you kidding me?  and b.) Straight-shooter?  Maybe you should rephrase that.  But Adam/Josh shook on a deal similar to the Josh/Ryan deal.  Pretty soon Josh is going to have an alliance with everyone.  He should be a little careful with that....doesn't always work out so well.


They played their late night comp. last night.  It was some sort of a luxury comp.  Some of them won a movie viewing, and it's possible that someone won a trip to Vegas (or there was a chance for a trip, but no one got it...I'm not sure).  I'm also not sure if it was a food comp as well.  They came back and were eating, but that might just have been b/c they got food.  But definitely no one is on slop.

post-comp    food

Nom's were early today.  To not a lot of people's surprise, Chelsia and James are up.  The main consequence of this is that they hopped back into the same bed.  No point in pretending not to be a couple.


Veto player picking was early too.  Players are Adam/James/Chelsia (of course) and Joshuah/Sharon/Sheila.  They also drew numbers to see what order they'd play in.  It sounds like Natalie's supposed to be hosting again.  But we know ED is hosting...and on Housecalls today he said he'd be there around 5AM.   The HGs think the comp. is going to be tonight (apparently they really aren't paying attention--BB can't do comps between 9 and 12 because of ShowtimeTime).  They are also thinking that the veto ceremony will be Saturday...the whole schedule shifting a day forward.  I haven't heard anyone say this in the house, but it makes sense with Sunday being Easter that BB will want to be able to run w/a skeleton crew.

Since I did it for Janelle last year, I figure I have to throw in some Evel Dick pics.  Lord knows I have enough.  Dick also said on HCs that he had asked the prods to do a special Dick@Nite show for the feeders.  Which would be awesome.  Especially since he said it will be a long comp (about 6 hours), so we won't have feeds for most of the day.  A comp. that long, and picking an order to play, still makes it sound like it could be morphomatic, but they're not starting soon enough to get the whole thing done before sunrise.  Oh well.  We'll know when we know. 

  Dick@Nitedick and the bunnies

Update: Yeah, it's not the HGs are starting to suspect it's croquet.  According to a chat w/Dick, it is "the exact same competition as last year" but with a twist of "beat Dick at his own game" so they HGs will be sort of competing against him.  Sounds to me like he's going to go into the house, wake them up, etc. and then one by one they'll go out and play against him.

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